Copertina di No Limits
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No Limits's license

Licensing this brand means adding value to your product.

Certify the authenticity of your product with a hologram.

The birth

In 1990, thanks to the brilliant idea of its owner and creator, the Cavaliere del Lavoro Filippo Giardiello, entrepreneur in the world of watchmaking for 4 four generations, creator of the Sector brand, the "No Limits" brand was born to give propulsive force and relaunch to its Sector brand which it supports.

Extreme sports

The ingenious idea was to link the brand to the newborn world of extreme sports, riding the wave of what marketers of the nineties defined as "massification of the concept of adventure". The expression "No Limits" directly evokes a strong belief in realizing a company reaching out in search of its own limits.

No Limits Team

The birth of the "No Limits World" magazine attracts young sportsmen and women who want to organize their own extreme events. Many of them become members of the "No Limits Team" and the main actors of that incredible and exciting photographic and cinematic material that today constitutes the "Library No Limits". Among these we remember Patrick De Gayardon, Hans Kammerlander, Umberto Pellizzari, Gerard D'Aboville and many others.

The Notoriety

In 2005, No Limits commissioned Eurisko to carry out a study and verify its reputation, also in comparison with similar brands and/or competitors: the result is exciting: out of the total sample of interviewees, 27.8% had full perception of the Brand.
A new research in 2015 records a confirmation of knowledge of the Brand equal to 41.37%


The strength of the No Limits brand combined with the strength of your brand multiplies the communication strength of your products.

Holograms with QR Code

In order to protect licensees from the phenomenon of counterfeiting, it has been produced in collaboration with Consul+ Srl, leading company in the anti-counterfeiting sector, an anti-counterfeiting hologram for each licensed product certifying its validity.

Benefits of Holograms

A Hologram with QR Code has numerous advantages for both the user and the brand:
  • Instant verification: by scanning the QR code, consumers can confirm the authenticity of the product in real time.
  • Ease of use: no special equipment required, just a smartphone.
  • Prevention of counterfeiting: unique codes eliminate imitations, protecting brands.
  • Traceability: each product can be monitored and geolocalized, ensuring transparency.
  • Commercial statistics: analysis of data relating to sales, market trends and company performance. They help make strategic decisions based on real numbers, improving competitiveness.
  • Additional information: possibility to provide details about the product, such as provenance or certifications.

Already licensed categories

abbigliamento casual abbigliamento formale biciclette biciclette elettriche Calzature camiceria ciabatte e pantofole cinture intimo classico jeans maglieria ombrelli portafogli t-shirts - felpe-polo tute sportive veicoli elettrici

Available categories

abbigliamento casual abbigliamento da lavoro abbigliamento formale abbigliamento in pelle abbigliamento per la danza abbigliamento tecnico sportivo accessori bagno accessori casalinghi accessori per cellulari accessori per computer album e figurine articoli casalinghi articoli di abbigliamento per lo sport articoli di cartoleria articoli di cartoleria e cancelleria articoli edicola articoli per animali articoli per ciclismo articoli per equitazione Attrezzi ginnici bambole bevande biciclette biciclette elettriche birra biscotti bomboniere borse caffè calendari Calzature Calzature antinfortunistiche calze e calzini camiceria cappelli Cartotecnica caschi moto chiavette usb ciabatte e pantofole cialde caffè cinture Cioccolato collant e leggins confetti Corsi di Formazione e Istruzione cover cellulari cravatte dolci e dolciumi dvd fazzoletti di carta e salviettine fazzoletti tessuto frutta secca gadget gelati e sorbetti Gift Giocattoli giocattoli e giochi giochi in scatola giubotti guanti intimo classico Intimo Seamless Intimo tecnico jeans kit controller ps4 Libri linea mare e beachwear bikini maglieria maglieria cashmere magneti e calamite mascherine mobili mobili e arredamento modellismo moka occhiali occhiali da vista ombrelli palloni Panettoni e colombe parastinchi pasta patatine pattini penne piccoli elettrodomestici pigiameria portafogli poster Prodotti per compleanni Programmi per computer software Pubblicità pupazzi e peluche salviettine sciarpe e foulard scolastica Servizi di Telefonia Servizi relativi ai trasporti smartphone smartwatch sneakers t-shirts - felpe-polo tatuaggi temporanei Tazze e Mug tessile casa tovaglioli di carta tute sportive uova pasquali valigieria veicoli elettrici videogiochi Zaini, Borsoni zucchero

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